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Profile: Sir Umar Muaz Chaudhry

Sir Umar Muaz is an immensely talented and capable teacher of Biology. Read on and find out why he is included in TaughtWare.com’s list of endorsed teachers.

Sir Umar started his career as a teacher back in 2012. He was described as a “natural teacher” by none other than Sir Adeel Saeed Mir – a person who has vast and diverse experience in academic matters.

Sir Umar’s background in pharmacy means that he is comfortable explaining concepts related to drugs, medicines and how they affect human body. He has been a Research Associate at Trison Research Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. and a Clinical Pharmacist at Servaid Pharmacy.

Students have benefitted from Sir Umar’s notes on O Level Biology. With time, they are expected to become more popular.

Sir Umar is currently a head of department at Scholastic Islamiah (Boys Branch), where he supervises matters related to science and social studies.

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